

Issues WAC is tracking:

  • Winter burials
  • Alternative disposition proposals
  • Cremation permit requirements
  • And much, much more.

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Wisconsin Cemeterians should be familiar with these portions of the state statutes:


Wisconsin Chapter 157 the Cemetery Statutes: (go to Subchapter II for Cemeteries) http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/157

Wisconsin Chapter 440: (go to Subchapter VII for Crematory Authorities and to Subchapter IX for Cemetery Authorities, Salespersons and Preneed Sellers) http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/440

Hoven Consulting News

2024 Spring Election Forecast


Wisconsin Cemetery Board Main Page: https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/BoardsCouncils/Cemetery/Default.aspx

Professional Licenses:

Cemetery Association Page: https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/Professions/CemeteryAssociation/Default.aspx

Cemetery Authority Page: https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/Professions/CemeteryAuthorityLicensed/Default.aspx

Cemetery Preneed Seller Page: https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/Professions/CemeteryPreneedSeller/Default.aspx

Cemetery Salesperson Page: https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/Professions/CemeterySalesperson/Default.aspx



Wisconsin Funeral and Cemetery Aids Program: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/em/WFCAP/index.htm